Thursday, May 6, 2010

How do people protect themselves from tornadoes?

1.make sure your school or house has a plan if a tornadoes were to ever hit.

2.If you are in a moble home or are in a car (if you are ever in a car and you spot a tornado.DON'T try to out run it so many people lost there lives for trying to out run tornadoes).When you spot a tornado make sure to get out of you car and go in a ditch or (a hole),get on your knees (like a rock position) and your face in the ground and put your hands over your head.

3.The safest place to be when your at home is to be in a small closet or basement.NEVER be by a window or objects that could hurt you because you can die!!!

People will sometimes take food or any supplies to basements and they will take anything they will need just in case they get hungry.Escpially when its going to be a long tornado hit!!


  1. be sure to stay away from glass and sharp objects. if the winds get high enough it will either break the glass or carry those objects which can be fatal
