Friday, May 7, 2010

How Dangerous are tornadoes?

Tornadoes are dangerous to people because it's violent. It speeds around at 300 mph and they suck up everything in it's path. They pick up cows,windmills,fences,houses,and cars too. So if you see a funnel in the sky, or here a sound that sounds like a train, that's a sign that a tornado is on it's way. If your outside and you see clouds spinning in a circular motion and its really windy then there's a tornado coming and is about to hit. When a tornado hits you don't want to be outside,you would rather be in your house in a closet or a basement. Tornadoes take away precious things away from families like farms and animals and family members.

1 comment:

  1. torandoes are very dangerous.
    their speeds get over 300mph. plus theirs the catagory of them like F1 and F5..F5s being the most horrific
